One Hundred Thousand Acts of Kindness’ as a Gift to Pope Francis
and the World Meeting of Families from Children Making their Confirmation in 2018
Pope Francis talking to young people always encourages them to be brave, to go out in to the world aware of their own gifts and talents and to seek to make a difference.
The actions suggested here are inspired by two key texts from Pope Francis.
Firstly, Amoris Laetitia, Pope Francis’s encyclical on the family, and secondly, Laudato Si, Pope Francis’s letter on the care of our common home.
Acts of Kindness
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Showing Gratitude and Joy
Reconciling myself with others
Using my gifts and talents to help others
Making good choices
Caring for the earth, our common home
Submit your Act of Kindness below
This submission form is intended to be completed by a confirmation candidate along with a parent /guardian (or a teacher), so that they share in this initiative.
You are required to fill in all the fields.
Once you choose which diocese you belong, the next field will then give you a drop-down list of all the parishes in that diocese.
(If you unsure of your diocese, you can check map here)
Please choose which category your Act of Kindness best belongs to. Then in a few words describe the Act and let us know what you learned from it.
Selected Acts of Kindness might be used to help promote this initiative.
All Acts of Kindness will included in our counter / graph which records how many Acts appear in each of our five categories.
Thank you for taking part.